2005 Films Rotten Tomatoes

Score (# reviews)

RT Rank Metacritic


MC Rank IMDb IMDb Rank Overall Rank
Alone in the Dark 1% (111) 3 9 2 2.3 3 1
King's Ransom 0% (42) 1 11 4 3.3 8 2
Son of the Mask 4% (85) 5 20 7 2.1 2 3
Chaos 7% (15) 11 3 1 2.3 3 4
In the Mix 3% (30) 4 31 12 1.5 1 5 (t)
Dirty Love 4% (23) 7 9 2 3.3 8 5 (t)
Underclassman 7% (68) 9 19 6 2.4 5 7
Sex, Politics, and Cocktails 0% (11) 2 24 8 3.6 11 8
Supercross 4% (55) 6 26 9 3.3 8 9
Fascination 5% (22) 8 13 5 3.7 12 10
Undiscovered 7% (58) 10 29 11 2.4 5 11
The Fog 8% (40) 12 27 10 2.9 7 12



Source lists:


Movie House Fun House Other Crap