

by Johnny Web (Uncle Scoopy; Greg Wroblewski)


Rosemary is back, and birthing again!

In this version of the story, poor virginal Mary Elizabeth wakes up after a bad dream one morning and steps on the bathroom scale, which reveals that she has gained 15 pounds overnight.

That can't be good.

One look at her stomach reveals the source of her weight gain. In the course of one evening she has become approximately three months pregnant - with her hymen intact.

That can't be good either.

I'm sure you can guess that the new arrival is not going to be the second coming of Jesus, but rather a demon created by a mystical form of rape. The virginal Mary Elizabeth begins to suspect a problem when she finds green goo oozing out of her privates, and she becomes quite convinced something is wrong when her ultrasound shows that content of her womb looks like the complete cast of Gremlins after a post-midnight buffet.

To make matters even uglier, the demon who impregnated her is also her brother. And maybe a cardinal. And maybe a psychiatric patient. That last part makes more sense when you realize that the psychiatrist is ... (wait for it) ... Lucifer, as played by ... (wait for it) ... Joan Severance.

Pretty silly.

You see, the semi-human demon didn't even know that his shrink was Satan. I don't know how a demon given human form would pick a shrink. I assume he just picked a psychiatrist out of the phone book ... and it just happened to be Satan. Darn the luck!

The plot gets very intricate in the second half of the film. Several of the people who seem to be innocent turn out to be in league with the demons. Some of the demons even double-cross other demons! (Oh, that Satan! What a kidder!) It's a plot that gets so muddled that the writer ended up writing extra lines to explain why some things didn't make a lot of sense. At one point, a priest being used as an unwitting pawn of the demons turns to the brother/cardinal/demon/patient and says what I was thinking, "But why did you need me? I'm not integral to your scheme." The demon responds, "Because I'm the torturer of the 13th level of hell. I fuck with people. That's what I do."

Fair enough. At least the writer was aware of the problem.

The film can be lurid, over-the-top fun. There's a demon who cusses like a sailor and thinks he needs a psychiatrist (and Tony Soprano's shrink thought she had a difficult patient!). Then there's a pious and well-intentioned priest who used to be a professional assassin and finds to his regret that he still loves killing. There's also the virginal Mary Elizabeth, who turns in a surprising, scenery-chewing tour de force performance, as she performs a good portion of the film by having conversations with herself in two different voices (the demon in her womb uses her vocal chords to communicate). When she's not conducting one-woman dialogues, she frequently is possessed entirely by the demon inside of her, which means that the actress is seen either slaughtering people and eating their hearts, or perhaps just humping away in wild sexual frenzy. If the film had nothing else at all, I would still have enjoyed it for Alison Brie's unrestrained and unabashed performance. You might even call Miss Brie refreshingly cheesy.

It's a trash film, of course, a typical 1980s-style B movie, meandering, tacky and sleazy, and yet there are times when the screen is filled with such lavish tongue-in-cheek absurdities and so much silly lunatic energy that the film entertains with sheer nonsense. I like a bit of that, but this film goes on for 118 minutes, and that's a little too much nonsense for my taste.

Awaiting DVD information.








  No reviews online.


3.2 IMDB summary (of 10)
  It isn't that bad. In fact, it's kind of enjoyably stupid, with some good genre guilty pleasures.




Awaiting a screening at Cannes.



Official site



The film doesn't skimp on the nudity, either. Alison Brie doesn't show much as Mary Elizabeth, and what she does show may consist of prosthetics, but her friend (Azalea Davila) has a topless scene, a couple of nude female boxers appear on TV (as you might expect, the hell-spawned demons love foxy boxing), and  the Costello twins, two statuesque blondes, walk around completely naked for just about the last half hour of the film.


Our Grade:

If you are not familiar with our grading system, you need to read the explanation, because the grading is not linear. For example, by our definition, a C is solid and a C+ is a VERY good movie. There are very few Bs and As. Based on our descriptive system, this film is a:


Over-the-top genre fare, but kind of demented fun.