(minor spoilers)
Killing Spree is nearly a home-made horror film done on 16 mm for
about $75K. A young married discovers his wife's little black notebook,
where she details having affairs with various delivery and repair men. Her
husband feels honor bound to dispatch each of her supposed lovers in as
appropriate and gruesome a manner as possible. Deaths range from a fairly tame
screwdriver through the head to a far more elaborate ritual involving knives at the end of
ceiling fan blades. The grass cutter is decapitated with his own mower, and
we have creative new uses for chain saws, hammers, and much more.
suspect, of course, that his wife is innocent, as are all of his victims. I
did not suspect that the victims would eventually have their revenge.
Asbestos Felt gives an appropriately over-the-top performance in the lead
role, which was specifically written with him in mind.
This marked the debut of the great Joel Harlow doing makeup effects. He
has since won numerous awards, and has worked on films you might recognize,
such as the three Pirates of the Caribbean films.